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This course will present the types, content, and architecture of the electronic data/databases that can be used for health evaluation and the methods to use them for this evaluation. The specificity of this use will lead to train on classification and terminologies used to represent health information in these electronic data, on the techniques and tools allowing enrich/account for the lack of clinical information (or other type) that can be present in these data. The goal of the course is to allow trainees identifying the electronic data that could be useful to answer a research question, conceiving the research protocol that would allow investigating this research question from such data, and coordinating a research project performed from these.
Coordinators: Antoine Pariente & Frantz Thiessard
Type of assessment: continuous assessment in teamwork. Students will be asked to perform data analyses based on examples seen in class.
- Enseignant: Florence Lamarque
- Enseignant: Delphine Manceau
- Enseignant: Ilaria Montagni
- Enseignant: Carine Prevot