Aperçu des sections

  • What is ENLIVE?

    ENLIVE is an innovative virtual exchange project run by the Espace Langues in collaboration with partners in European universities from the ENLIGHT consortium:

    • University of the Basque Country
    • University of Bordeaux
    • Comenius University Bratislava
    • National University Ireland Galway
    • Ghent University 
    • University of Göttingen
    • University of Groningen 
    • University of Tartu 
    • Uppsala University 

    Guided by facilitators, participants engage in weekly synchronous discussions in English as a lingua franca context. Together, students collaborate actively during sessions, build relationships, discuss current social issues and work towards a micro social media campaign. Students may choose from a range of areas to explore, such as gender and education, science in society or disability and accessibility.

    Read the full course description here.

    Objectifs de la formation

    A la fin de cette formation les apprenants seront capables de...

    • développer leur sensibilité culturelle et ouverture sur le monde,
    • débattre d’enjeux sociétaux dans des contextes interculturels où l’anglais est la langue véhiculaire (lingua franca),
    • collaborer en groupe international à la conception d’une campagne d’information à diffuser sur un réseau social. 

    Pré-requis : Niveau B2 en anglais

    How do I enrol?

    1. To sign up for the Autumn edition of ENLIVE (semester 1 2022-23) complete the pre-enrolment questionnaire before 12/09 7h00


    2. Send your proof of language proficiency to espacelangues.victoire@u-bordeaux.fr or take the Oxford Online English test before 12/09 12:00. You will receive an invitation to take the test if you indicate in the questionnaire that you do not already have proof of language proficiency.